

Padlet is an online pin board that you can share with students. It allows students to add ideas to sticky notes on the board and is a great way to collaborate and share ideas. Student can contribute to the board anonymously or with their name if they have an account set up. It is instant and visual.

There are different types of Padlet boards that can be used for different purposes:

Posts are added randomly to the page with no order. Good for whole class collaboration.

Posts are added and can be connected to each other.

Posts are added linear, top to bottom. Good for a blog layout.

Posts are added and can be connected to each other.

Allows each student to post in their own column. Good to monitor individuals work or group work.

Allows each student to post in their own column. Good to monitor individuals work or group work.

Posts are added in a horizontal line. Good for creating a timeline or a step-by-step task.

Best Used For:

Collaboration - Research for a new topic - Sharing of work - Sharing ideas - Identifying prior knowledge - Checking knowledge - Gathering feedback (can be anonymous) - Group research tasks


- Use the wall feature for whole class collaboration

- Use the shelf feature for group work

- Turn on the approval option so the teacher has to approve anything that is added to the board

- Add the link to the Padlet to your VLE so students can revisit